Whether you are just wanting to learn more about the new Referral Page format or are getting ready to make the switch yourself, I hope these short videos are helpful. As always, if you have questions or would like assistance, please contact me.
1. Getting Started
Things to be aware of before you start the switch and choosing the template you wish to start with.
2. Setting the Banner Image and Font Styles
Getting started with the WYSIWYG editor to change background image, font and CTA button styles.
3. Modifying Content and Content Blocks
In this video I prove that you should plan ahead before deleting a section because I forgot that the number of sections in a template is preset, but I do show how to add a content block, in this case a Google Map block.
4. Page Builder Styling Tips and Tricks
How to use the content block and individual element settings to create a unique look and feel for your referral page. The icon site I used in this section is at https://ionicons.com/. I also show how you can preview the page on different screen sizes in the page builder.
5. Getting Back to Page Builder and Publishing Your Page
When you need to leave the page builder before you are ready to publish the page, don’t worry. It is easy to save drafts of your work and access them again. I show how to get back to your draft and how to publish your page to replace your classic landing page.